…the sounds of my soul…

It is my honor to share with you the expressions of my unique voice, my perspective, through the lens of my experience… May you experience them in the way that is perfect for you, right now…

For Children…

A relaxing and soothing way to introduce any young person to positive and empowering concepts

Guided Meditations…

These non-traditional meditations include harmonizing suggestions and intentions, some feature channeled tones, and are rich with layers of powerful harmonizing energy

Meditative Songs…

These songs sprung from my interaction with the universe. The layers of voice and tone each expresses an energy and emotion I needed to express. I encourage you to still your mind and allow your imagination to swim and flow with these vibrations… perhaps you can be curious about what comes up for you…

Awapayana… the shape of Love

These recordings hold vibrations, information, and structures of universal Love... literally, the shape of Love! It invites your energy, consciousness, and geometric patterning that make up YOU, to attune to and incorporate universal Love and compassion into the structures of your system.

Play these while you sleep, to help your children fall asleep, to relax, or just in the background wherever you want to encourage Love, compassion, and peace. This is an invitation from the universe to Love more, in all ways possible.